Custom Dimensions used for data collection

The custom dimensions listed below are collected so that you can find out more about your web traffic.

Not all custom dimensions are used by the Google Analytics in Jira app, but they are made available in case you need to find out more information.

Display Name

Parameter Name


Display Name

Parameter Name


Issue ID


The identifier for the issue. Numeric.

Issue Key


The issue key for the issue.

Issue Summary


The summary field for the issue.

Issue Type


The issue type.

Issue Type ID


The issue type id. Numeric.

Issue View Context


A means of discovering where in Jira the issue was viewed.

One of the following:

  • jira.board.view An issue viewed as part of a board, eg. scrum or kanban

  • jira.core.board Jira Work Management board view

  • jira.core.calendar Jira Work Management calendar view

  • jira.core.list Jira Work Management list view

  • jira.issue.view The normal issue view with URL path e.g. /browse/ABC-123 where ABC-123 is the issue key

  • jira.issues.list An issue viewed as part of a list

  • jsd.portal.view The issue viewed in the Service Management Portal

  • jira.other Another view not listed above

Project ID


The identifier for the project. Numeric.

Project Key


The project key for the project.

Project Name


The project name for the project.

Project Type


The project type for the project.

Group Names


A comma separated list of group names of of the logged in user.

Group IDs


A comma separated list of group IDs of of the logged in user.

Atlassian Account Host ID


The first part of the account ID of the logged in user. Numeric.

If the account ID is 555501:aa123a4aa-abcd-5d0e-f03g-55hi6j5k58lm then Atlassian Account Host ID is 555501.

If the account ID is aa123a4aaabcd5d0ef03g55hi6j5k58lm then Atlassian Account Host ID is (not set).

See note below.

Atlassian Account User ID


The second part of the account ID of the logged in user.

If the account ID is 555501:aa123a4aa-abcd-5d0e-f03g-55hi6j5k58lm then Atlassian Account User ID is aa123a4aa-abcd-5d0e-f03g-55hi6j5k58lm.

If the account ID is aa123a4aaabcd5d0ef03g55hi6j5k58lm then Atlassian Account User ID is aa123a4aaabcd5d0ef03g55hi6j5k58lm.

See note below.

Atlassian Account User ID Suffix


The optional third part of the account ID of the logged in user.

This is only used for Jira Service Management Portal users of type “customer”.

If the account ID is 555501:aa123a4aa-abcd-5d0e-f03g-55hi6j5k58lm then Atlassian Account User ID Suffix is (not set).

If the account ID is aa123a4aaabcd5d0ef03g55hi6j5k58lm then Atlassian Account User ID Suffix is (not set).

If the account ID is qm:3315a630-9dc3-4465-91f9-8977bc23c574:f470be43-4bac-c09b-b634-7509f7ac2f1f then Atlassian Account User ID Suffix is f470be43-4bac-c09b-b634-7509f7ac2f1f.

See note below.

Atlassian Account User Type


This is one of atlassian or customer and allows you to differentiate your normal Jira users from your JSM Portal customer users

A limitation of Google Analytics custom dimensions prevents values of over 37 characters in length. This means that we have to split the Atlassian User ID into 2 or 3 different dimensions in order to completely capture it.