Content Views, Content Edits, People & Sessions
Each page or blogpost listed is a link to the Content Analytics report for the content
Attachments Report
Displays a list of top attachments. For each attachment the following data is displayed
Attachments Viewed, Attachments Updated, Attachments Created
The number of people who have interacted with the attachment
A link view to the attachment
A link to the Content Analytics screen for the parent page for the attachment
A link to the Space Analytics screen for the parent space for the attachment
Search Report
Showing top search terms and the number of search results found.
This report allows you to see what is being searched for and importantly whether any results have been found for the search term.
Tools Menu
Access to the Analytics Overview screen
Gives export options – CSV, Excel, PDF or Print
Clear private data – Removes reports data cached in the browsers' localStorage
Date picker
Allows you to select the date range required
Filter Controls Row
Filter data
By user type – All users, internal users, guest users
By where – The parent product where the content is displayed – All, Confluence, Jira, JSM, Jira Work Management, monday.com, Refined for Confluence, etc
Separate simple controls for date selection
Date pickers for start and end dates
Date Range picker with sensible default date ranges
Retains the familiar position in the top right of the screen just like in Google Analytics