My company does not use Google Workspace, now what?

My company does not use Google Workspace, now what?

This page is only for users of Google Analytics in Confluence on Confluence Server.

In order to create a Google Cloud project that works with your Confluence Server instance, you should have at least one organization within Google Cloud.

Going without

Without an organization in Google Cloud, then you would have to submit the project for approval with Google after creating the consent screen. This is possible, but be prepared to wait a week or so for the approval process to complete.

Creating a new organization

If your company does not use Google Workspace, then likely you will not have an organization in Google.

Read the Google documentation on Creating and managing organizations.

If you do not wish to sign up for Google Workspace, then instead, you'll need to sign up for Cloud Identity.

You can start with Cloud Identity Free and once you have an organization, continue with the configuration at Configuration • Server / Data Center.