Analytics Reporting Features • Server / Data Center

Analytics Reporting Features • Server / Data Center

Using Confluence Cloud? See Analytics Reporting Features for the cloud version instead.

The reporting screens are accessed from the Google Analytics menu in the Confluence header

The reporting screens

Reporting is broken down into the following screens

The interface

The interface has been designed to display the maximum amount of information “above the fold” so that the you can maximise your knowledge of the most engaging spaces, content and people before you even need to scroll the page.

Each screen has a tabbed interface and has the following structural elements:



  • Tabbed navigation – allows access to the various reports

  • Headline figures – show the headline numbers/values for the screen

  • Timeline – the content views, edits and creates for the site, space, content item or person

    • All timelines are colour-blind friendly with accessible colours being used throughout

  • Table of results

    • Details of content views, content edits, people and sessions for the item

  • Tools menu

    • Allows navigation to the next largest category e.g.

      • Navigation from Content Analytics to Space Analytics and Analytics Overview

      • Navigation from Space Analytics to Analytics Overview

      • Navigation from People Analytics to Analytics Overview

    • Gives export options – CSV, PDF or Print

    • Clear private data – Removes reports data cached in the browsers' localStorage

  • Date picker – allows you to select the exact date range required, or choose from sensible presets

    • Retains the familiar position in the top right of the screen just like in Google Analytics