InChI 2D Molecular Structure macro

InChI 2D Molecular Structure macro

The International Chemical Identifier (InChI pronounced “IN-chee”) is a textual identifier for chemical substances, designed to provide a standard way to encode molecular information and to facilitate the search for such information in databases and on the web.

The InChI 2D Molecular Structure macro renders strings in InChI format into two-dimensional drawings of the molecules.

This macro is only available in the commercial cloud version of the app – available December 2023.

How to use

In the Confluence editor, type /inchi and select InChI 2D Molecular Structure.


The macro properties panel will appear.

Add your InChI Text and width and height:


Save the Confluence page and the 2D Molecular Structure will be rendered.

Examples of InChi notation and the macro output

Some examples of the SMILES 2D Molecular Structure macro:


InChi text:


Macro output:



InChi text:


Macro output:



InChi text:


Macro output:




InChI text:

Macro output: