Google Analytics 4 migration timeline

Google Analytics 4 migration timeline

Note: This information is for users who installed the app before March 21, 2023 only.

After March 21, 2023, all new installs have only been allowed to use GA4 in the app – this is so that there is no migration required.

New versions of Google Analytics in Confluence & Google Analytics in Jira were released in March 2023. This allows you to continue using Universal Analytics (UA) alongside Google Analytics 4 (GA4).

As UA data is not compatible with GA4 data, you will not be able to directly compare the 2 types of data, but will be able to see the reports for each separately.


March 2023

  • We released new versions of Google Analytics in Confluence & Google Analytics in Jira which supports both UA and GA4.

    • March 21, 2023 – Release date for Google Analytics in Confluence

    • March 30, 2023 – Release date for Google Analytics in Jira

  • We emailed the technical contacts & billing contacts of existing customers to ask them to configure GA4 in preparation for the changeover.

  • We ask current users of the app to configure the GA4 data collection so that both types of data can be collected at the same time, and you have some time to familiarise yourself with the new reporting.

  • We will provide support, through video tutorials and/or screen sharing to help with the process.

June, 2023

  • We introduced “nag messages” for existing customers who have yet to migrate to GA4:

    • For all users in the page footer:

    • For administrators:

      • Every few minutes (~20 minutes) this message will appear on any Confluence screen


      • In all configuration & reporting screens, you will see this message at the top:

July 1, 2023

Google begins winding down the Universal Analytics service.

  • UA data collection will cease, but GA4 data collection will continue.

  • Access to historic UA reports will remain available until December 2023.

  • Because GA4 has a new data model, you cannot migrate your historical data from Universal Analytics to GA4. Google has enabled historical data to be available on your UA instance until Dec 31, 2023.

  • Archive your UA historical data by exporting it to a data visualisation tool like Tableau or Looker Studio.

December, 2023

  • All screens in Google Analytics in Confluence & Google Analytics in Jira which reference Universal Analytics will be removed from the app.

What to do next?

Follow the Google Analytics 4 update guide.