What data do we collect about your Confluence instance?

What data do we collect about your Confluence instance?

We use Google Analytics so that we can track and monitor the usage of our apps. We collect a minimal amount of information.

Items currently being tracked by Google Analytics

  1. Your Atlassian instance domain

    • e.g. https://yourinstancename.atlassian.net/wiki

  2. The edition of Confluence you are using

    • e.g. free, standard, premium, server_or_dc

  3. Whether you have a license for the app

    • e.g. Whether you license is active or none

  4. Whether your users are authenticated


  5. The URL of the data collection page for our app, but with any confidential information such as space key or page ID stripped from the request parameters

    • For Cloud, this will be in the format:

      https://www.gaic.app/data-collection ?hostname=yourinstancename.atlassian.net &edition=standard &lic=active
    • For Server / Data Center, this will be a fake URL in the format:

      https://wiki.yourdomain.com/spoof/gaic/server-or-dc ?hostname=wiki.yourdomain.com &edition=server_or_dc &lic=active


  6. The format of your Atlassian Account ID
    An anonymised version of Atlassian Account ID, which is used to anticipate any changes that Atlassian makes to this important identifier e.g.

    • for an Atlassian Account ID of abc14a15de56 we would record aaa11a11aa11

    • for an Atlassian Account ID of 81556:abc14-a15de56-abc14a15de56 we would record 11111:aaa11-a11aa11-aaa11a11aa11

Why do we collect this data?

  • Items 1-4 above allow us to understand a little about our customers.

  • Item 5 allows us to see the usage of our app

  • Item 6 allows us to anticipate any changes that Atlassian makes which may affect the working of the app